Right Worshipful Master

Brother Robert Ian Kenneth Woolley

Thank you for visiting our website and I hope that you find it informative and interesting. We are one of the four Lodges that hold meetings within Inverness.
In August 1922 we received our charter from the Grand Lodge of Scotland which is the governing body for freemasonry operating under the Scottish Constitution.
In November 2022 we will be holding our centenary and  plans are already in hand and will be a very interesting event.
If you are visiting this website to learn more about our craft, let me briefly inform you of some points.
Freemasonry is a society of men who are concerned with the moral and spiritual values of its members. We are taught its precepts by a series of ritual dramas, which follow ancient forms and use stonemason's customs and tools as allegorical guides.
The essential qualifications for admission into Freemasonry is a belief in a Supreme Being and is open to men of any religion who fulfil this essential qualification.
Freemasonry is not a religion, nor is it a substitute for religion.
Contrary to local beliefs, freemasonry is not a secret society and its member are free to acknowledge their membership. But like many societies, we do regard some of our internal affairs as private and for our members only.
Freemasonry is a fraternal society that expects a high standard of personal conduct from its members. We also have a long standing tradition of care and concern for families and friends as well as the wider community.
We hope that the information you find within the pages of our website will further stimulate your interest in freemasonry.
You are cordially invited to make contact with our secretary should you wish to find out a little more regarding freemasonry.

Robert Ian Kenneth Woolley Right Worshipful Master